AVG free is for stupid people

Hello, Marc.
Thank you for reaching out to us with your concerns. Many of our users find these offers useful: they rely on them to upgrade to our higher levels of protection. By doing so, they help fund your free version of the protection.
We also handpick offers from our other products or those of partners we feel can add to your security or digital experience. If you have suggestions on how these offers might be more relevant to you or less intrusive, please let us know.

I'd request to download a trial version of AVG PC TuneUp to run maintenance scan. You can view the details of junk files and other maintenance tasks on the results page. Click this link http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=Download-and-install-a-trial-version-of-AVG for steps to install a trial version of AVG PC TuneUp.

AVG free keeps telling me things that it wont let ME decide what to do, i am not clicking DELETE FILES, unless I KNOW what it is going to delete, 13GB of junk files, they are MY files, I DECIDE WHAT IS JUNK, i know you want people to upgrade, but this bullshit isnt the way to do it!
You get my free usage data etc to help improve the product and i get a good antivirus, thats a fair exchange, please change your program to be more friendly to people that know more than the average illiterate pc user that put many gigabytes of files on their PCs
AVG free tells me things are slowing down my computer, do you really think i am going to click FIX PROBLEMS without knowing what it is going to do???

and the most annoying…
AVG free keeps telling me i have not finished a product purchase, It keeps putting the upgrade in my shopping cart, just as i keep opening it up, and removing it! EVERY F-ING DAY!

i am not turning on silent mode, as i need to know when IMPORTANT antivirus related things happen!
Your nagware is starting to take the piss, seriously! There is more chance of me buying a different Anti virus solution than staying with your free one!

can you please change this nonsense!

Hello, Marc.
Thank you for reaching out to us with your concerns. Many of our users find these offers useful: they rely on them to upgrade to our higher levels of protection. By doing so, they help fund your free version of the protection.
We also handpick offers from our other products or those of partners we feel can add to your security or digital experience. If you have suggestions on how these offers might be more relevant to you or less intrusive, please let us know.

I'd request to download a trial version of AVG PC TuneUp to run maintenance scan. You can view the details of junk files and other maintenance tasks on the results page. Click this link http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=Download-and-install-a-trial-version-of-AVG for steps to install a trial version of AVG PC TuneUp.

Marc, we realize the situation. You can submit this as a feedback through program interface.
Open AVG Antivirus free, click on "Menu–>About–>Submit Feedback". This will reach our product management team directly.
Thank you.

im an advanced user, i do not need your useless tune-up maintenance scans, what i need is some insight as to what AVG free thinks are junk files, what AVG free thinks is slowing my PC down, and let ME decide either way, if AVG free is not designed for this, then it should not be telling people about it and should be removed from AVG free, and finally, for it to stop putting the paid upgrade in my shopping cart each day making me have to remove it!

AVG free annoys me about 2-3 times per day now, its got to stop!

AVG gets my usage information to help improve your products, and i USED to recommend AVG as a 'go-to' Anti virus solution, but i have been advising people to go elsewhere due to the high level of Nagware that AVG comes with, so you used to get the best advertising that exists, 'word of mouth'.