Hello John,
We suggest not to send multiple post for the same issue. In future please refrain from carrying out multiple postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!.
Please click on this link for the answer for your previous post https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000Daog
Thank you.
I suggest that you look at the background to this before making comments that upset customers.
I put in a duplicate post because when seding the first post your web site advised that I was not authorised to use it.
I suggest you investigate this web site error to help you & your customers.
If you require further information please send me a PM
Update failed today
Now showing as "No active components"
First screen says "Updating" but this has been showing for 30 minutes
2 Messages:-
1 E mail scanner not working
2 Ident protection not working
Advise please!!
Hello John,
We suggest not to send multiple post for the same issue. In future please refrain from carrying out multiple postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!.
Please click on this link for the answer for your previous post https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000Daog
Thank you.
Hello John,
We are sorry to know that. We will check this issue with the web site and make sure to fix this. You can ingore this post and reply to the original post.
Thank you
I suggest that you look at the background to this before making comments that upset customers.
I put in a duplicate post because when seding the first post your web site advised that I was not authorised to use it.
I suggest you investigate this web site error to help you & your customers.
If you require further information please send me a PM