Hello David,
We are really sorry to know that you are facing issues in activating the paid version. Since you have purchased already, it is not necessary to continue with the trial version. We can activated the paid version manually in your computer. In order to assist you further, could you please confirm us whether you have installed AVG Zen or let us know the AVG Program you have installed?
Thank you for understanding.
Hi !
I trialed the full protection for a week, liked it and paid for it by monthly installment.
Nb I didn't wait for the trial to expire first… which would have been the sensible thing to do, however I'm old, impatient and very busy and wanted to get it over with, as having used the free version for a very long time and had no problems with it, Id already decided I'd do the right thing and support them monetarily.
According to my banking records they have received my first installment which has been deducted from my account.
The trial version is fully functional and working well, however the program hasn't recognized that I've already paid for the thing !
Should I expect this to continue until the trial period expires, when perhaps AVG will activate the paid version automatically ?
Thanks to anyone who knows the answer !
Hello David,
We are really sorry to know that you are facing issues in activating the paid version. Since you have purchased already, it is not necessary to continue with the trial version. We can activated the paid version manually in your computer. In order to assist you further, could you please confirm us whether you have installed AVG Zen or let us know the AVG Program you have installed?
Thank you for understanding.