AVG has reported an error since the update

AVG has reported an error since the update. After the surface has been opened, it can only be seen that the PC has to be scanned. If you run the scan, the PC will be run down uncontrolled after some time and start at the start with the Windows error message. The PC is also extremely slow. The following is to be found in the event display:
The following boot or system startup driver failed:
How can the problem be solved?
Seit dem Update zeigt AVG einen Fehler an. Nach dem öffnen der Oberfläche ist nur zu erkennen, dass der Pc gescannt werden muß. Führt man den Scan aus, wird der PC nach einiger Zeit unkontolliert runtergefahren und beim starten mit der Windowsfehlermeldung gestartet. Der PC ist auch extrem langsam. In der Ereignissanzeige ist folgendes zu finden:
Das Laden folgender Boot- oder Systemstarttreiber ist fehlgeschlagen: 
Wie kann das Problem beseitigt werden.

Hello Claus-peter,

We regret for the inconvenience caused. Could you please share the screenshot of the AVG window that shows an error, so that we could analyze the issue and assist you further?

Thank you.

Claus-Peter, For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot (http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot) here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 
AVG Guru

Claus-Peter, Email instruction sent to get connected with AVG technical support team (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000DkPAAA0).
AVG Guru

Hello Claus-peter,

We regret for the inconvenience caused. Could you please share the screenshot of the AVG window that shows an error, so that we could analyze the issue and assist you further?

Thank you.

Claus-Peter, For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot (http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot) here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 
AVG Guru