AVG hijacked my Browser

I had same problem, when using Firefox the Google links would not move. I had to go to Chrome to try the links since Firefox was not working.

After spending much time on the issue and trying many fixes, I found and verified that it was the AVG online security extension on Firefox messing things up. I had to remove the extionsion for the Google links to work. I was so upset and asked for refund on the AVG subscription.

Hello Claus.
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
We certainly check and help you.
Please open the AVG Antivirus and click setting.
Disable the AVG extension from the window and check on the issue.
Let us know the status of the issue.
Thank you.

Delli Ganesh 
Midhun Aloor

When I look at these Names than I assume that you are from India and that the "AVG-Help" is located there.

So how much did you know about the Software ?
Are you a Software-Developer or did you program the Software ?

I assume not !

You're sitting in India, looking at all the post here and then always use the same Textblocks  to give answer to the People who got a Problem with AVG.
You don't know absolutely nothing about the Software so you can't give any real help.

And I've got no interest in downloading some Software, so that another Person can tinker with my Computer. This is the behave of a Virus, and I don't want something like that on my PC.
If this "Support" can't give us some Help over the Internet, what is the meaning of this "Support" ?

AVG should admit that there is a Problem, think about how to fix it and then give us a new Update which removes this outdated Add-on and prohibited AVG Antivirus Free to open a Website we didn't want on our Browsers !

What is this Shit ?

After I updated AVG Antivirus Free to Version 23.5.3286 - Build 23.5.8195.785 ever Time I open my Firefox Browser (Version 133.0.2) it takes me to


instead of https://www.google.com/

So AVG hijacked my Browser !

I have no Interest in the AVG Firefox-Addon the please remove this AT ONCE

I've tried to "repair" AVG but this didn't work !


Thank you for writing back to us, Claus.

We're sorry to hear that you feel that way. This is definitely not the experience we wanted you to have had & we truly apologize for the discomfort caused.
All AVG community posts have to be manually approved before they get published in our forum. Your post was awaiting approval, it wasn't deleted.
If you'd so kind as to give us another chance, we'll certainly investigate this issue and help you resolve it.
We've send you an email with detailed instructions to contact our additional support. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to contact them at your convenience.

Hi Cheng,

Thank you for contacting AVG Community.

This isn't the experience we want you to have. We're sorry to know that you've decided to cancel the AVG subscription.
If you reconsider, please write back to us in your own post to further investigate the issue & help you. Thank you in advance!

I had same problem, when using Firefox the Google links would not move. I had to go to Chrome to try the links since Firefox was not working.

After spending much time on the issue and trying many fixes, I found and verified that it was the AVG online security extension on Firefox messing things up. I had to remove the extionsion for the Google links to work. I was so upset and asked for refund on the AVG subscription.

Hello Claus.
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
We certainly check and help you.
Please open the AVG Antivirus and click setting.
Disable the AVG extension from the window and check on the issue.
Let us know the status of the issue.
Thank you.

Yeah, yeah, we will check and help.
Excuseses, Excuseses.

AVG shoud think before they put shit like this in their Software.
You got your Chance but you messed up Big Times !
This Plugin didn't get watched by Mozilla for Safety, and since 2 Years (!) this Plugin didn' t get any Updates anymore, the last is from February 2021 !
Why should I install such a piece of outdated Software into my Browser ?
I bet, even AVG didn't know the Answer to that Question !

To solve the Problem, I just deinstalled your Highjack-Software, and so it's "Good-bye AVG" and "Hello Windows Defender".