AVG Install and Bundles

Well, since I couldn't find an email to write to , I am going to post this.  I will not be renewing my subscription when its up shortly and here is why.  It's not that I dislike your product, I like it very much.  I think its good and get's the job done.  And this bothers me more today than usual because I had to reinstall your program 5 times trying to repair my system…    And every time I reinstalled, you without even asking put Google and Google toolbar.  I find them intrusive and a pain in the xxx. 

I don't want Google, and if you are going to bundle it with your software, then at least allow me to uncheck the box so I don't get it. I didn't see that option.  It may have been there buy well hidden.
Google toolbar is so intrusive to your system and I just don't want it.


Hello Jennifer,

I understand how difficult this is for you. Please do not worry, we do have an option to uncheck this option to ignore the download of Google Toolbar while installing AVG. When you download AVG installation file, you can see an option "Continue", at the bottom of this window, you will get an option to uncheck the installation of Google Chrome. If you face any difficulties, feel free to contact us.