AVG Installation

I tried to install AV internet security 2016 on Windows 10 but following message appeared.
Your internet security settings preventedone or more files from being opened.But there is no reference to what kind of settins. How can I resolve this issue?

Hello Sushrut,

Our AVG internet security program installation file is a .exe file and when you run it on Windows and if you get the message as "THESE FILES CANT NOT BE OPENED" then it means that the security settings of windows is setup so that any .exe file that is trying to execute will be asking your permission to run.
So we request you to run the .exe file of AVG internet security program and when you get the prompt you can find the word as "MORE INFO" on the dialog box, click on it and you will get option as "RUN ANYWAY".
If you click on run anyway the program will get started and installed.
Please feel free to contact us should you need any further assistance.

Hello Sushrut,

Our AVG internet security program installation file is a .exe file and when you run it on Windows and if you get the message as "THESE FILES CANT NOT BE OPENED" then it means that the security settings of windows is setup so that any .exe file that is trying to execute will be asking your permission to run.
So we request you to run the .exe file of AVG internet security program and when you get the prompt you can find the word as "MORE INFO" on the dialog box, click on it and you will get option as "RUN ANYWAY".
If you click on run anyway the program will get started and installed.
Please feel free to contact us should you need any further assistance.