Hello Betan,
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AVG Internet Security 17.3.3011 & HP WiFi Printing Issues
(also known as Enhanced Firewall Module blocks HP WiFi Printers because it thinks you're on a Public Network)
This is probably posted all over the place, but my searches didn't come up with one that worked for AVG IS 17 (or I was using the wrong search terms). Anyhow …
I've used AVG for years and for years it has served me well … except when it comes to HP Wireless Printers (any model). AVG has always had issues with HP Wireless Printers and blocks printing to them by default, until you manually put in (1) HP's recommended HPDEVICES Service Item and 5 UDP/TCP services and (2) an Application rule defined by the HPDEVICES Service Item. (HP reference document c01715149)
With AVG Internet Security 17 in the AVG Ultimate product, those instructions didn't quite work for me anymore. Neither does adding a FRIEND network to bypass the default rules … because in my case, AVG Firewall sees my network as a PUBLIC one (where you can't even add a FRIEND network in the Firewall module configuration screens).
The only way I found how to wireless print to my HP printer (without always having to disable AVG Firewall) was:
- click on INTERNET SECURITY from Zen
- click on Menu
- click on Settings
- click on Components
- scroll down to Firewall and click on Customize
- on the Firewall Policies Screen scroll down to Packet Rules
- click on the Packet Rules ... button
- click on the Add button ...
- select the Enabled box (if not already selected)
- for Name field enter HPDEVICES
- for Action field select Allow
- for Protocol field select All
- for Direction field select In/Out
- for Address field enter either your Wireless HP Printer's IP Address if you made it static or your entire local network subnet range (probably ) if you made it DHCP ... don't know why you'd DHCP your printer, but whatever.
- for Profile field select ALL
- click on and keep clicking the Move Up button until your HPDEVICES Packet Rule is top first rule on top.
- click OK button and exit out of AVG all together
If anyone else has a better solution to do this and restore HP Wireless Printing with AVG Firewall enabled, I'm open to suggestions.
Hello Betan,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. We are unable to pull your account with the email address you have contacted. Could you please reply to the email we have sent so that we can pull your account and assist you?
Thank you for understanding.