AVG Internet Security blocks XP access to network drive on Win7

Hello Paul,

We are glad to look into this and help you.
We would request you to turn on AVG Firewall and turn off windows firewall and then check for this issue.
If possible, please send us the screenshot of this error message in order to understand better and resolve it.
For taking a screenshot, please refer this article: https://bit.ly/3pmMU18
Thank you.

We just upgraded a Windows XP workstation to Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit version.
Yesterday, we purchased the latest AVG Internet Security from www.newegg.com .
We switched the AVG Enhanced Firewall OFF, and left the Windows 7 Firewall ON.
Now, our Windows 7 Ultimate PC can see network drives on 2 x Windows XP PCs.
However, both Windows XP PCs cannot see any network drives on the Windows 7 Ultimate PC.
The error message we are getting on both XP PCs is:
"the specified server cannot perform the requested operation"
Also, both Windows XP PCs cannot "map network drive" now.
These are new problems which only started happening after we installed
the latest AVG Internet Security on our Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit PC.

p.s.  there was a typo in the Topic: when I posted this problem earlier today

I tried enabling AVG Enhanced Firewall on both PCs:  Windows XP and Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Network Drive "W:" is a shared network drive on our Windows XP PC.
On the Windows 7 Ultimate PC, when I click on Network Drive "W:" now,
the following new error message occurs:
User-added image

When I disable AVG Enhanced Firewall on the Windows XP PC,
and leave it enabled on the Windows 7 Ultimate PC,
the latter error message disappears when I click on Network Drive "W:"
from the Windows 7 Ultimate PC.

I'm glad to know that your issue got fixed.
Congratulations for your 50th Jubliee, Paul.
For further queries or need assistance, feel free to contact us.
Thank you.

I should add that the "free" trial version of AVG Internet Security did NOT have this problem.
It was only when I purchased a licensed copy of the latest version of AVG Internet Security,
and installed it without any installation errors, that this problem started happening.
Hope this helps.

I was able to circumvent the "We'll be right back!" error message
by accessing your link from a Windows 10 workstation.

I had already checked all of the "SYSTEM RULES" and
the ONLY ones "Not configured" were:

*  "Allow remote desktop connections to this computer."
* "Allow stealth mode for public networks."

All other SYSTEM RULES were "Enabled"
particularly "Allow Windows File and Printer sharing".

(Just FYI:  we have been assisting audits of voting systems
by informing the lawyers that "Wake on magic packet"
and "Wake on pattern match" features can be ENABLED –
by altering network controller settings.  If "Remote Desktop Connections"
are also enabled, it's possible to STARTUP a properly configured
PC via a "magic packet" sent via the Internet from anywhere in the world
to the target PC.)

On a hunch, I RESTARTED our Windows 7 Ultimate x64 PC
– after implementing your instructions –
and now 2 x Windows XP PCs do correctly access the
Network Drive "T:" which points to shared E: on that Windows 7 PC.

On our SOHO LAN:
Paul15  =  Windows 7 Ultimate x64  ("W:" —> shared "E:" on Paul16)
Paul16  =  Windows XP Professional x32  ("T:" —> shared "E:" on Paul15)

I also did another test by RESTARTing 1 x Windows XP PC,
and that PC also works correctly with accessing "T:" on Win7.

My BEST GUESS:  there is something very subtle
in your latest AVG Internet Security which requires
a system RESTART to fix.  In any event, that is our
theory which appears worthy of testing.


p.s.  Related question:  do you expect our LAN
will benefit from installing the latest AVG Internet Security
on all Windows XP PCs?  I checked and I believe
those XP PCs do NOT have the very latest version.
They are only being used as backup storage servers,
which rely heavily on XCOPY to "get" and "put"
files and folders across our SOHO LAN.