I am just checking my software and updated.
When I open my firewall; there are a bunch of networks that I don't recall were there. (maybe I did not scroll down far enough but… They are listed as "untrusted" which of course is correct, but I am wondering if this is an attempted hack hoping I will just check "trusted".
My "Trusted Network" is my home system but I am wondering if that open port has been hacked into and now I have the "other" networks listed.
My 2nd question is that with my VPN; should I check that as "trusted'?
Just in the security mode "rabbit hole" perhaps that some of us get into…
Hello Agnes,
We are glad to clarify your request. Once the AVG Internet Security program installed, user needs to add their network in the trusted list under firewall settings. It will list all the networks which was connected earlier. You just need to allow the networks which you want to connect with.
Yes, you can allow and add VPN network as trusted one. If you have any clarification, please do let us know. Thank you.