AVG internet Security

Hi Roger,

AVG Support via community forum is available only in English. For a translation, you can use https://translate.google.com

I suggest you to reset the specific browser to remove the URL's. For the steps to reset the browsers, refer the link below.


If you need any help, you can reach the concern browser support for further assistance.

Je souhaite que vous m’indiquez comment bloquer/éradiquer toutes les applications pirates de type « signup.xxxxxx.com  (ou.net)» qui intercepte au moment de téléchargement et demande une inscription (avec n°compte), alors que le site visité ne l’exige pas !

Exemples :

Déjà merci pour votre réponse !
Hi Roger,

AVG Support via community forum is available only in English. For a translation, you can use https://translate.google.com

I suggest you to reset the specific browser to remove the URL's. For the steps to reset the browsers, refer the link below.


If you need any help, you can reach the concern browser support for further assistance.