Hi Bruno,
I apologize for the delay in response. May I know what is the status of your internet U/D speed now? I would suggest you to repair AVG configuration and check if that helps.
To repair your AVG please follow these instructions:
Go to Start -> Control Panel.
Note: Click Settings first if Control Panel is not available in the Start menu.
Open (Programs) -> Programs and Features, or Add or Remove Programs.
Select AVG Internet Security in the list of programs.
Click the Change or Change/Remove button.
Select Repair.
Follow the instructions on your screen to complete the installation.
Restart your computer.
Hello Bruno,
I'm sorry to hear about this. I request you to change AVG Firewall network profile to private (open AVG Internet Security > menu > settings > components > firewall > customize > network profile > change all the network public to private), please go to Firewall customize settings again > scroll down > click on system rules > enable all the system rules if it's not configured, please click OK and check if the download speed is normal with enabled AVG Internet Security.
Best regards,
Short story: AVG Internet Security 2017, more specifically two components: ONLINE SHIELD (OLS) and FIREWALL (FW). The other components had no impact on the speed.
- OLS and FW OFF = U/D over 940 Mbps

- OLS ON and FW OFF = U stays at ~900 Mbps but Down drops to around 400-500 Mbps
- OLS OFF and FW ON = U stays at ~900 Mbps and Down drops ~600-650 Mbps
- OLS ON and FW ON = U stays at ~900 Mbps but down drops to ~240 Mbps
They swapped the ONT three times, swapped the Gateway then while they were with Tier 2 they suggested to turn off the firewall. Once that was done speeds zoomed back to normal.
My homework: Scour the AVG forums to see what's going on. Some form of "memory leak" as the download speeds kept on dropping over time even after reboots.
Now I tried to selectively disable individual parts of OLS and FW but up to now I haven't found any specific setting that affects the speed. I do know it's those two components of "AVG IS 2017" which somehow dramatically affect download speeds over time.
Any suggestions as to what specific OLS and FW components might have such a dramatic effect to the HSI download speed? I know.. 1 Gbps U/D is not common so does AVG IS 2017 support this?
Thanks for the quick response. FYI O/S in Windows 10 Pro x64 up to date.
I followed your instructions to no avail. In other words, I set all of the network profiles from public to private, left automatic profile switching checked then set all System Rules to Enabled.
Here are the results:
Firewall set as requested and then turned ON (Online Shield OFF):
Download: 679.17 Mbps - Upload: 727.35 Mbps
Now if I leave the FW ON (the 679 & 727 numbers above) and turn on Online Shield, here is what I get:
Download: 384.99 Mbps - Upload: 773.54 Mbps <– Notice the heavy hit on the downloas side.
Now with both the Firewall and Online Shield turned OFF, I get:
Download: 943.08 Mbps - Upload: 942.24 Mbps <– which is what I am supposed to get
That's a HEAVY hit on throughput
I have escalated this case to our senior team, we will contact you once we receive a reply.
Best regards,
Hello Bruno,
I'm sorry to hear about this. I request you to change AVG Firewall network profile to private (open AVG Internet Security > menu > settings > components > firewall > customize > network profile > change all the network public to private), please go to Firewall customize settings again > scroll down > click on system rules > enable all the system rules if it's not configured, please click OK and check if the download speed is normal with enabled AVG Internet Security.
Best regards,