AVG is detecting every .exe file i own as malware

Hi Zane,

Thanks for reaching us via community forum.

AVG prompts a threat pop-up message when a file or URL is detected as a threat.

If the detected file is false positive, then I request you to submit the file in the below link for analysis.


Once the files are submitted, our concern team will analyse it and contact you via email.

I was performing a search because I started having the same issue. 

It detected Steam as a threat.
AVG is unable to update virus definitions. So I tried to update AVG. The install file that I download from your official website within 5 minutes of the timestamp on this message was detected as a threat and deleted before it could install. I cannot provide more information because not only did it delete that file twice. It deleted my browser.

AVG Zen on Windows 7 64 bit
Antivirus free edition 16.161.8048
Framework version
Setup version
virus database version 4793/15297 (7/3/2018, 8:00pm)

I don't really expect a solution from my comment. But I feel Op's pain, telling him to submit files when every process he starts gets flagged for "general behavior" and possibly deleted (as in my case) iso there is nothing to submit because your program wiped it.

Just feels like the support could be better

I recently installed AVG and it detects all my executable files as malware… They're obviously not malware. I have to reeneter them as an exception everytime. But sometimes they dont work. I can't use Zoom properly. I really just need this to work

Zane, I request you to register for whitelisting service to upload your files for analysis.

The AVG Whitelisting Service is free and you do not need an AVG subscription to use it. To submit files for whitelisting:

1. Join the Whitelisting Program by filling out https://www.avg.com/en-us/whitelist-program-registration form.
2. Wait to receive the FTP credentials to AVG’s FTP server. They will be sent to you after your request for joining the Whitelisting Program will be reviewed.
3. Upload the file(s) via AVG's FTP server.

For information about uploading files, refer to the following article:


Hello Dustin,

Please accept our apologies. This isn't the experience we wanted you to have had.
From your description, we can see that you're using an older version of AVG Antivirus Free. Also, we'd like to inform you that 'AVG ZEN' has been discontinued.
In this case, we'd request you to uninstall your AVG Antivirus Free (old version), AVG ZEN using our 'Remover' tool.
Once you've uninstalled them, please use this link to install the latest version of AVG Antivirus Free.
Let us know if you encounter the same issue after upgrading to the latest version of AVG Antivirus Free.
Keep us updated.

I was performing a search because I started having the same issue. 

It detected Steam as a threat.
AVG is unable to update virus definitions. So I tried to update AVG. The install file that I download from your official website within 5 minutes of the timestamp on this message was detected as a threat and deleted before it could install. I cannot provide more information because not only did it delete that file twice. It deleted my browser.

AVG Zen on Windows 7 64 bit
Antivirus free edition 16.161.8048
Framework version
Setup version
virus database version 4793/15297 (7/3/2018, 8:00pm)

I don't really expect a solution from my comment. But I feel Op's pain, telling him to submit files when every process he starts gets flagged for "general behavior" and possibly deleted (as in my case) iso there is nothing to submit because your program wiped it.

Just feels like the support could be better

but ALL of them are supposedly "malware"! which they ARE NOT!

Hi Zane,

Thanks for reaching us via community forum.

AVG prompts a threat pop-up message when a file or URL is detected as a threat.

If the detected file is false positive, then I request you to submit the file in the below link for analysis.


Once the files are submitted, our concern team will analyse it and contact you via email.