AVG menus unreachable, due to persistent "trial expired" pop-up

Hello Christopher,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
The issue could be because of the traces of older version of AVG.
Please try run AVG clear tool through the following link https://share.avg.com/steam/PSP/AVG2017/AVG_Clear.exe .
You can run the installation of AVG antivirus free version again through this direct link http://files-download.avg.com/inst/mp/Antivirus_Free_1817.exe
Please get back to us if the issue persists.
Thank you.

The banner problem has returned, after 20 days of being able to access the AVG FREE menus properly.

After approximately 20 days free of this, there was some some of automatic upgrade this morning to the AVG program and this wretched message: "Your internet security trial has expired" page has returned. It will not allow me to access ANY menus. I have (yet again, for the third time!) reinstalled the AVG FREE Antivirus - to no avail.

Please don't suggest reinstalling the program once again, as the message keeps returning after a while when I do that.

Please do not suggest the AVG removal tool either, as it doesn't work and litters my Win 7 64 bit computer with ERROR messages.

I just want to get rid of this dangerous "Expired" message, which is not allowing me to get at the AVG menus. This is completely unacceptable.

Nor does your suggestion of a chat session help. I've just waited in a queue for about thirty minutes without getting any higher up the waiting list. What a waste of time.

A persistent "warning" pop-up (re an expired "trial", which incidentally I never asked for) now blocks all access to the menus. This is not just aggressive marketing - it is positively dangerous, and amounts to AVG becoming a malware in itself. AVG Antivirus Free is now practically unusable.

I have tried
(a) repairing the installation according to your pro-forma instructions, through Control Panel and AVG Protection. The pop-up comes back.

(b) uninstalling AVG and reinstalling the Free download. The pop-up comes back.

(c) uninstalling AVG and installing an alternative antivirus (Avast). This was worst, as I kept getting error messages from the AVGUIX.EXE file, which persists on my computer and will not uninstall due to AVG's deep and devious self-protection behaving like a virus itself.

(d) The AVG Removal tool only made things worse, not better, and it does nothing to remove AVGUIX.EXE or any of the other "rogue files" left hanging about by AVG.

So I am left with an AVG installation (stuck in Silent Mode) on my computer which I cannot control, cannot access through the menus (due to the "expired trial" pop-up) and cannot even uninstall.

Having searched through several threads on similar subjects, I do not expect a sensible answer from AVG's support team, just the usual suggestions to try all the things I have already tried. I am writing this as a strong warning to people, not to get caught like me in AVG's increasingly sinister web.

Hello Christopher,
You can uninstall the AVG Clear application from the C Drive and that should stop this service from running.
Thank you

Thank you for your response, and for at least suggesting something different.

I downloaded 'AVG_Clear.exe' and ran it (in Windows Safe mode as advised) with interesting results. The program apparently worked, but crashed Windows Safe when its Restart option was clicked.

'AVG_Clear.exe' proclaims itself an Avast tool (why?) and although using it removed AVG protection, it did NOT remove AVGUIX.EXE, which was still beaming at me from my taskbar icons, telling me that I needed to download the 30-day Trial version of AVG. In other words, using 'AVG_Clear.exe' got me less than nowhere.

I have now downloaded (for the fourth time) the "Antivirus_Free_1817.exe" from your direct link, and installed AVG Free (for the fourth time) which has given me access to the menus – at least temporarily, until the "Trial Expired" banner kicks in again. I will assuredly report back once it does, on previous form within 24 hours.

Certainly I must tell you that 'AVG_Clear.exe' certainly does not do the job, at least not on the Windows 7 64-bit operating system which I use.

Oh, and by the way - your program AVG_Clear.exe has made itself into a quasi-operating system at bootup.

Whenever I tried to boot into Windows 7, I was presented with a choice between 'Windows 7', and 'AVG Antivirus Clear Uninstall (C:\windows):Default OS', meaning I had to manually choose Windows 7 in order for the boot to continue.

I have tried deleting this 'AVG Antivirus Clear Uninstall (C:\windows):Default OS' using MSCONFIG.EXE, but (as you will guess) it restores itself after every reboot.

Please tell me how I can get rid of this 'AVG Antivirus Clear Uninstall (C:\windows):Default OS' option at boot up, as MSCONFIG.EXE cannot do the trick.

Hello Christopher,

We truly apologize for the inconvenience caused. From what we have learned about your issue, we would like to offer you a free remote assistance service as a best way of resolving it.

A skilled AVG technician can remotely connect to your computer via a secure connection and fix the issue quickly and effectively. We have sent an email with a link to connect with us remote. Please follow the instructions from the email in order to get connected with our technician.

Thank you.

Hello Christopher,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
The issue could be because of the traces of older version of AVG.
Please try run AVG clear tool through the following link https://share.avg.com/steam/PSP/AVG2017/AVG_Clear.exe .
You can run the installation of AVG antivirus free version again through this direct link http://files-download.avg.com/inst/mp/Antivirus_Free_1817.exe
Please get back to us if the issue persists.
Thank you.