Hi Balasubramanian,
I didnt get time to check back MS word until today. The problem seems to have miraculously gone. I hope it stays this way. To answer your above questions, I had disabled AVG all this while. I had already unblocked MS Word from the blocked apps when I saw it there. I was trying to locate the MS application exe file (from the allow apps section) but could not locate it on my computer - I am not that technologically savvy and hence didnt want to select a wrong file. I had not clicked on "allow" app from the popup that appeared from AVG. When I opened a word file today, the pop ups simply didnt appear. I hope it stays this way. Has there been some updates in AVG from your end?
I meant restarted the computer/ tried to unblock MS Word but the message appears again.
I have been using AVG Internet security for the past several years but suddenly it blocked MS Word (the entire app) yesterday. Now I am not able to save files/ make changes to existing files (it becomes a read only file) - basically not use Word at all. MS Office works when AVG is disabled. I have restarted AVG, tried to unblock AVG - but it again blocks Word next time I open a file.
Please guide! A lot of my work happens in Word and this is really setting me behind.
Thank you for updating the status.
Since you have unblocked the MS word from the ransomware protection settings the popup didn't appear.
If the popup appears again for MS word, do contact us immediately.
Thank you for the information.
Did you click on "Allow" app from the popup that appeared from AVG?
If yes, does it appear every time when you try to access the MS file?
I meant restarted the computer/ tried to unblock MS Word but the message appears again.
Hello Indrani,
I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Please open the AVG Internet Security dashboard and click on "Menu–>Ransomware Protection–>Blocked/Allowed apps"
Check whether "MS application" is added to the block list, if yes please click on it and proceed to allow it.
If it is not listed there then please click on allow apps and search for MS application .exe file and add it.
Keep us informed about the status.
Hi Balasubramanian,
I didnt get time to check back MS word until today. The problem seems to have miraculously gone. I hope it stays this way. To answer your above questions, I had disabled AVG all this while. I had already unblocked MS Word from the blocked apps when I saw it there. I was trying to locate the MS application exe file (from the allow apps section) but could not locate it on my computer - I am not that technologically savvy and hence didnt want to select a wrong file. I had not clicked on "allow" app from the popup that appeared from AVG. When I opened a word file today, the pop ups simply didnt appear. I hope it stays this way. Has there been some updates in AVG from your end?