I have AVG Internet Security on an HP laptop running Windows 10
When I got onto my laptop this morning AVG wasn't working. Last evening it was working perfectly.
It asks for my licence number. I enter it. It says its a valid number. It refuses to accept it and gives me an error message.
I try to update and get an error message.
I've tried to re-install and get an error message.
I've tried to uninstall and get an error message.
I've restarted my laptop several times in amongst all of this and still get error messages and AVG refuses to work.
I want someone to tell me how to fix it so it actually works please.
I put the above message into your support centre to launch live chat and got a 404 error page telling me I’d reached the end of the internet and to go back to the page I started off at. There is nothing in your help directory that tells me how to fix this error on windows 10 and this is very infuriating. I need help and I need it now please.