Avg password protection

Hello Claus,

Sorry for not replying in your language.
Please visit www.support.avg.com for more help or respond back in English.

jeg købte  avg adgangskode beskyttelse, men jeg kan ikke se jeg er beskyttet

Hello Claus,

From the translation provided by Alan, we understand that you purchased AVG Password Protection but it is not activated.
To activate AVG Password Protection subscription, please follow below mentioned steps:
1) Open RUN command by pressing Windows and R keys together on your keyboard.
2) Type as "services.msc" without the quotes and press Enter.
3) On services window, check for AVG Antivirus, AVG Service, AVG Identity protection and AVG Firewall.
4) Right click on each AVG service and select "Restart" or "Start"

Once done with the above process, check whether AVG Password Protection is activated.
Keep us informed about the status.

Claus, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Danish to English]
Hi I bought avg password protection, but I can not see I'm protected
AVG Guru