AVG password protection

For I don't know how long now I find I have to keep turning on Password protection every time I turn on my PC's. Before I realize I have to keep doing it I've already been logged on and my windows open for who knows how long. Plz, help me I'm getting sick of this. Especially when you have to do it multiple times a day after restarting your PC when it needs it. Sometimes you forget you have to do it again like I just did now.

Hello Evan,

Please accept our sincere apologies. This isn't the experience we wanted you to have had.
We've sent you an email with detailed instructions to fix this issue.
Kindly check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.

Hello Evan,

Please accept our sincere apologies. This isn't the experience we wanted you to have had.
We've sent you an email with detailed instructions to fix this issue.
Kindly check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.