Hi Mogens,
We're sorry to know that. Could you please restart your PC once and check whether AVG password protection is getting installed by clicking on "activate and install"?
Do you see both the codes listed on "My Subscriptions" window of AVG Internet Security program?
Today I have got 2 new activation codes. 1 for security and 1 for Password.
Code for Security is okay but I cant activate my Password.
The program takes the code .
I press the buttom Activate and install.
Nothing is happend.
I dont get a icon so I can use it.
Mogens, it seems that something is stopping the AVG Password Protection to get activated.
Hence, we request you to get connected with our additional support who can assist further on this matter.
An email instruction has been sent which will help you to get connected.
If the email is not found in inbox do check in spam and junk folders.
Thank you.
Jeg får vist begge programmer 4 gange.
2 hvor jeg kan sk ifte dem. det har jeg prøvet.
Jeg har også prøvet at gå længere ned på menuen hvor man kan indstallere andre programmer .
Her findes også Password Protection.
Det har jeg også prøvet , men kommer kun til bage til Smart Scanning
Only internet security is active. I get to watch both programs 4 times. 2 where I can sk ifte them. I've tried that. I have also tried to go further down the menu where you can install other programs. Password Protection is also available here. I have also tried it, but only come back for Smart Scanning
Hi Mogens,
We're sorry to know that. Could you please restart your PC once and check whether AVG password protection is getting installed by clicking on "activate and install"?
Do you see both the codes listed on "My Subscriptions" window of AVG Internet Security program?