I live in Korea and I was using AVG service for overseas payment. I signed up for a subscription in November, used it until December, and canceled the subscription. January 14th is the day my subscription expires. But yesterday, January 14th, a cell phone text message came to me. AVG said that my card had paid $32.99. The text message came from the same number that the November and December payment texts came from. I have already canceled my subscription and even the subscription I used was a product that paid for "KRW 5880", so it is nonsense for $32.99 to be paid in USD as well. So I called the credit card company and checked it, and there was no payment for $32.99 on January 14th. Is this a simple system error? Or is there actually any payments made by my email?
Hi Insuk,
We will check that for you.
In your account, there is no mentioned charged other than those two months.
Could you share us the screenshot of the message you received?
Refer this article for the steps to capture the screenshot : https://bit.ly/2Y6RCDP
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.