AVG PC Tune UP Problems


Akash…I beg to differ with you — when I installed AVG PC Tuneup, my graphics changed, especially my task bar which is quite "transparent" now. In addition, after I installed AVG PC Tuneup, it started putting my desktop into "powersave" mode, which I always had defaulted as never to do.  

It is now several days after I uninstalled AVG PC Tuneup, and my graphics have not reverted back to their original settings and my desktop still goes into powersave mode. 

The only thing that has resolved itself is my wireles scanner can once again communicate with my desktop.

I am going to be foced to reinstall AVG PC Tuneup in order get my desktop BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS.

With all this being said and the issues I have encountered, I will reinstall under the 30 day trial, once again, and have to spend who knows how much time in order to figure out how the program has effected my desktop and then I think it goes without saying, once I spend time undoing what this program did, I will cancel my free trial.

Hello, Mark.

Thank you for reaching us with your concerns. Usually AVG PC TuneUp will not interfere with scanner or printer devices. It could have been helpful if you had contacted us before uninstalling AVG PC TuneUp so we can analyze and find the root cause. Regarding the trial version, may I know from where did you download the trial version of AVG TuneUp to re install? If it is from a web page, please provide the web page link.

Though you provide your card details, nothing will be billed at this time. At the end of the 30/60-day free trial, if you have not cancelled, we will bill your credit card or PayPal account for 12-months subscription. We will send you an email before the end of the trial period about the upcoming billing (including instructions how to cancel if you prefer).

I have "AVG Antivirus FREE" on my Desktop PC and before running a scan,  it prompted me to try AVG PC Tune UP for 30 days for free with no credit card necessary. So, I did this. Ever since I downloaded AVG PC Tune Up, my wireless scanner no longer was able to make a connection to my desktop PC. I figured I would try to open AVG Tune Up to see what changes it made to my system so I could try to fix this connectivity issue between my scanner and desktop PC, however AVG Tune Up would not open. I then went online to search for "AVG Tune Up not opening" and found some information and links here in the AVG community in order to try to rectify this new problem. I followed all of the instructions in this link,  | AVG.  After doing the REPAIR, it still would not open. I then proceeded to follow other instructions found in this community and uninstalled the program. Once I uninstalled the Program, my wireless scanner was once again able to connect to my desktop PC so that was definitely an issue with the AVG PC Tune UP being installed. I went to reinstall the program so can still utilize my 30 day free trial, while at the same time trying to set it up so that I could use the program while having no issues with my scanner connectivity. The new download link however was requesting my credit card number, which I would rather not give during my 30 day free trial. So the questions are this: (A) What within the AVG PC Tune UP program would make my wireless scanner all of a sudden not be able to connect to my desktop PC and (B) How do I re-download AVG PC Tune UP without having to give me credit card number while continuing with my 30 day free trial, which I was only 1 day into before discovering the issue with my scanner.

Thank you for your prompt response.  My uninstalling AVG PC Tuneup was done simply following support answers on this site.  The "repair" attempt did not work and I like I said, I found additional information on this site instructing to "uninstall" and reinstall" if the repair attempt did not work. So, that is what I did.  Coincidentally, by unstalling AVG PC Tuneup, I was able to isolate the problem that began occuring with my wireless scanner not being able to communicate with the desktop.  I had attempted other things to resolve the scanner issue prior to uninstalling AVG PC Tuneup. Obviously, the unstinalling of AVG confirmed the scanner issue…

I did not go to a website to reinstall, rather I ran AVG Antivirus which once again prompted me to subscribe to AVG PC Tuneup in order to "reslove" some issues with my desktop. If all issues were resolved when I intiially installed, one would think that there would not be "unresolved" issues an hour later after installing/uninstalling PC Tuneup. In fact some of the issues, such as Browser Date, System Cache & Logs and Registry issues show the same amouint of MB and GB found that need addressing after AVG PC Tuneup indicated all issues being resolved. So, is the information provided through AVG Anti Virus, a Sales Gimic in order to get the customer to subscribe to PC Tuneup?

Now, I have graphics also that are different after the PC Tuneup Installation. All I want to do is re install PC Tune up without giving my credit card number as was allowed the first time and not having to worry about "cancelling" do avoid monthly billing. This way I can get my desktop back to the way it was before installing PC Tuneup.

So far, this has not been a very good experience and it would be a diffictult to make me purchase PC Tuneup after my trial. Also, it is making me consider uninstalling AVG Antivirus and go in another direction for virus protection.

Hi Mark,

I would like to inform you that uninstalling the AVG PC TuneUp will revert all the changes made by it. Also, you cannot download the Trial version of AVG PC TuneUp again as you have already downloaded it once.

In case you wish to use it again, please subscribe to the 30-Days trial.

Thank you for understanding.

Please reinstall 30 days trial of AVG PC TuneUp and check if everything gets back to normal.

If you face any difficulties, please do not uninstall AVG PC TuneUp. Let us know and we will assist you further.