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AVG Guru
Hi, I found AVG PC Tuneup Service (TuneUpUtilitiesService64.exe) alway stop for a few weeks. Manual start it will stop. Set Admin permission it stop too. I chat with support for this problem. He can't solve this problem. Today I try to find the cause of this problem. Now I found it.
This problem came from my antiviurs. I use Norton Internet Security in current version (
1. If I Disable Antivirus Auto-Protect then start AVG Tuneup Service. It's work and can do anything. If I Enabled Antivirus Auto-Protect, AVG Tuneup Service stop immediately. I try for sure problem came from this cause.
2. I add "C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG\AVG PC TuneUp" folder for exception. and do in step 1. again (wait for a minus then enable Antivirus Auto-Protect) AVG Tuneup Service still running.
3. Restart PC. AVG Service stop again. and do step 1. AVG PC Tuneup Service can run.
4. Check TuneUpUtilitiesService64.exe in Norton Insign. This file have a few peoples to use it. So this may be cause of this file can not trust. and I trust it, but every time to restart I have to do step 3.
Now I found semi solution of PC Service Stop. But every time I restart my PC, I have to do step 3. everytime.
So I need help for solve this problem. and make sure don't add exception in ativirus.
You should probably report that issue to Norton, as they are blocking it.