Avg pctuneup sleep mode

Hello Jean,
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Since I installed the latest Avg Pc tuneup update I get a lot of troubles.
Most of the applications were put in sleep mode.
I already contacted Avg support  team and they tested and fixed online my avg pc tuneup software.
But afterwards I encounter again problems.
Because of the “sleep mode” some pps, pdf or even Windows Live mail doesn’t work correctly. Putting all of the applications out of sleep and…the problem is immediately fixed.
Putting everything in “sleep” isn’t the solution at my side. So what to do if I don’t know what is setting in “sleep” is causing the problem.
So I would like knowing how, before reinstalling, to remove “completely” Avg pctuneup
Thanks for helping.

Hello Jean,
You can find answer to your question together with your another post here.

Please try keep whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up resolution.
Thank you.

Jean, Also in future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!.
AVG Guru