Avg pop up stuck in corner of screen

I have an AVG pop up saying External Drive Connected stuck on on right hand bottom corner oif screen which means I can't see what I am typing on the right!  The x click doesn't work.  I've tried contcontrol alt delete - doesn't work.  Help!  I see others have had this problem as well and it is really annoying!!

Hello Jenny,

We are sorry to know this.
We will check and help you with this issue.
If possible, could you please share us the screenshot of that AVG pop-up message in order to check and help you further?
For taking a screenshot, please refer to this article: https://bit.ly/3wXTQ92
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
Thank you and keep us updated.

Hello Jenny,

We are sorry to know this.
We will check and help you with this issue.
If possible, could you please share us the screenshot of that AVG pop-up message in order to check and help you further?
For taking a screenshot, please refer to this article: https://bit.ly/3wXTQ92
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
Thank you and keep us updated.