Avg protection multidavice

I bought AVG INTERNET SECURITY fatt. 2802724891 of 4.5.2015 IMSAX-AINTZ-22FON-AYVBF-MAAA4-I3L9U license - ref. AVG Order 38-4192865 - expiration May 2017, and AVG PROTECTION MULTIDAVICE (AVG INTERNET SECURITY UNLIMITED) fatt. 3302863561 of 22.8.2016 - of which I did not receive the license - ref. Order AVG 701-4283992 - expiration July 2017.
At the end of AVG INTERNET SECURITY, May 2017, I do not renew it because I just want to use AVG INTERNET SECURITY UNLIMITED.
Tell me what I have to do.
Rita Marletta, email: ritamar@fastwebnet.it 

Hi Rita,
We have checked the details and It seems that you have AVG Internet Security which is going to expire on 5/18/2017. In this we will suggest you to unsubscribe the AVG Internet Security from the AVG My account. So that It wont be auto-renewed. Once the AVG Internet Security expires you can install the AVG Internet Security-Unlimited using the AVG My account login details.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help you with your issue.
Thank you.

Hi Rita,
We have checked the details and It seems that you have AVG Internet Security which is going to expire on 5/18/2017. In this we will suggest you to unsubscribe the AVG Internet Security from the AVG My account. So that It wont be auto-renewed. Once the AVG Internet Security expires you can install the AVG Internet Security-Unlimited using the AVG My account login details.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help you with your issue.
Thank you.