AVG Protection - Problem with installation

Hi, Allan. I have an issue with a replaced hard drive. I have a 2 year licence for AVG 2014 - but computer tech installed Free version of AVG 2015 on new HD. What do I need to do?

Hi, Allan. I have an issue with a replaced hard drive. I have a 2 year licence for AVG 2014 - but computer tech installed Free version of AVG 2015 on new HD. What do I need to do?

Hi Dilki,
For help on this issue please try reinstall AVG according to this article.

I bought 2 AVG Protection 2015 CDs. 1 is activated and working correctly.
When activate other one it shows correct expiration date in AVG MyAccount. But when installed it to PC it shows a trial version and ask me to buy the product.

@ Jim Swalm
Jim, This is basically like transferring AVG license to a new computer… Have a look @ this article (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=kA0b0000000

Hi Dilki,
For help on this issue please try reinstall AVG according to this article.

Dilki, Have a look @ this new form link (http://support.avg.com/support_contact_form) to get chat or phone support. Otherwise, When available, A member of the official AVG Community Support in Brno, Czech Rep… will see your topic & respond but please bear in mind that it's now the weekend.
AVG Guru