AVG proxy blocking email

Hi Darshan,

We're sorry for the inconvenience you've experienced.
From your description, we assume that you're referring to the "DNS proxy configuration" in your Mac (Big Sur).
In this case, we'd request you to reinstall your AVG Antivirus once & check if the issue still persists.
Refer to the below articles to reinstall your AVG Antivirus:

Uninstalling AVG Antivirus
Reinstalling AVG Antivirus

If the issue still persists after the reinstallation, please get back to us immediately. We'll check & offer you appropriate assistance.
Thank you for understanding. Keep us updated.

Hi Darshan,

We're sorry for the inconvenience you've experienced.
From your description, we assume that you're referring to the "DNS proxy configuration" in your Mac (Big Sur).
In this case, we'd request you to reinstall your AVG Antivirus once & check if the issue still persists.
Refer to the below articles to reinstall your AVG Antivirus:

Uninstalling AVG Antivirus
Reinstalling AVG Antivirus

If the issue still persists after the reinstallation, please get back to us immediately. We'll check & offer you appropriate assistance.
Thank you for understanding. Keep us updated.

after giving permission for AVG proxy, email software stops receiving email from server. after AVG proxy disconnect in network setting, email software can receive email. this issue happens randomly.

System Details : Mac OS Big Sur 11.4, Edision mail, AVG version 19.9