AVG Remote Admin Console

Jaymes, The AVG (SMB) support in Brno, Czech Rep… will probably deal with your query @ their earliest convenience. Also, For a more direct contact method try this link (http://www.avg.com/ww-en/customer-support-business).
AVG Guru

My license expired before the buisness department could get the new product key to us.

Now I am attempting to update the license in my Remote Admin Console, but when I place my key into one of our update servers, I get an error

"Error during license number change."

I would like assistance in getting my product key updated.

Any assistance is appreciated.  I know the license is valid, I just updated the license in 2 other AVG Consoles.
Jaymes, The AVG (SMB) support in Brno, Czech Rep.. will probably deal with your query @ their earliest convenience. Also, For a more direct contact method try this link (http://www.avg.com/ww-en/customer-support-business).
AVG Guru

Thank you, I will reach out to their business customer support as well.