As the pc of my friend is infectected I tried to scan it by the AVG rescue tool for USB, downloaded today. On creation of the stick the setup finishes saying ok.
But when I boot the pc choosing usb stick as medium I get a black screen with a cursor hopping around and after some time the BIOS menu pops up, mouse & keyboard not usable.
Yesterday I made a scan with Kapersky rescue disk which did work well with the same stick. Therefore I think there is a problem with AVG tool and not stick or boot configuration.
Any suggestion what to do ?
best regards
Hello Aldo,
We will check this for you.
Have you tried using AVG Rescue CD instead of USB disk?
If not, try the same and check if it works fine.
Hello again,
pc boot with resue CD Version successfull, virus db update offline ok,
quick scan, volume scan and only a few options are are possible.
But: Choosing more options on volume scan ends in a pending screen " Please wait, saving options ..."
Quick & volume scan say that there are Win32/Heim.D infectections detected, 2 in quick scan, 20 in volume scan (mainly microsoft products).
But meanwhile I doubt these results. Not only that I found several comments on misfitting recognition of Win32/Heim.D by the the tool. I am unsure if program version is the latest one as I couldn´t do the online update .
Is this the latest version for windows? The activated tool itself shows:
AVG Rescue Version: 160420
AVG Version: 15.0.3115
Virus DB version: 4563/15883
Virus DB release date: 14.8.2018 (my writing of date in german sytle)
My doubts also result from the pending screen with more detailed options fpr checking system and the fact that until yesterday there were several update files avaible on your website - not only for virus definition but also 2 files for windows kernel components. Today the download paage has changed. Update files are no longer shown, not even the virusdefonition update file. But size of still offered tool downloads (.iso and .zip file) do have exactly the same size as yesterday. Conclusion: this is note a download with new virusdefinition and perhaps with latest windows support.
I realize Alans remark that the tool is no longer maointaind. But to value the results of the scans I need to know if I am using the latest version of the tool _and_ what you know of problems with recognizing Win32/Heim.D
best regards
AVG Guru
Hello Aldo,
We will check this for you.
Have you tried using AVG Rescue CD instead of USB disk?
If not, try the same and check if it works fine.
Aldo, This is now the latest / only AVG Rescue CD that's available (
AVG Guru
Sorry Alan,
your answer is not that of an guru. Its a "political" statement, no answer to my technical questions and observations.
I am not amused by the way you and your company handle this case On saturday I went online with my question and on monday morning updates to get the latest version of the product are no longer avaiable!
And to still publish an outdated version of product and virusdefinition is a shame for the company.
I will not use or buy any AVG products in future - never ever. All my friends will be informed about this.
Thank you so much.
As mentioned earlier the rescue CD is not maintained by AVG and was not supported anymore. There are much more updates available than what you have mentioned in the previous post. The Win32/Heim.D infectections may be a false detection too but we are not sure, as we haven't released any updates for the tool.
Aldo, our main goal is to keep our customers happy.
AVG carefully monitors the quality of our products and the service we provide, therefore all feedback from our customers is important to us. If you have a specific experience with AVG products that you would like to share with us, we would appreciate hearing about it.
Hello again,
pc boot with resue CD Version successfull, virus db update offline ok,
quick scan, volume scan and only a few options are are possible.
But: Choosing more options on volume scan ends in a pending screen " Please wait, saving options ..."
Quick & volume scan say that there are Win32/Heim.D infectections detected, 2 in quick scan, 20 in volume scan (mainly microsoft products).
But meanwhile I doubt these results. Not only that I found several comments on misfitting recognition of Win32/Heim.D by the the tool. I am unsure if program version is the latest one as I couldn´t do the online update .
Is this the latest version for windows? The activated tool itself shows:
AVG Rescue Version: 160420
AVG Version: 15.0.3115
Virus DB version: 4563/15883
Virus DB release date: 14.8.2018 (my writing of date in german sytle)
My doubts also result from the pending screen with more detailed options fpr checking system and the fact that until yesterday there were several update files avaible on your website - not only for virus definition but also 2 files for windows kernel components. Today the download paage has changed. Update files are no longer shown, not even the virusdefonition update file. But size of still offered tool downloads (.iso and .zip file) do have exactly the same size as yesterday. Conclusion: this is note a download with new virusdefinition and perhaps with latest windows support.
I realize Alans remark that the tool is no longer maointaind. But to value the results of the scans I need to know if I am using the latest version of the tool _and_ what you know of problems with recognizing Win32/Heim.D
best regards
Thank you a lot for quick reaction even on weekend.
But: what is the conclusion of these 2 answers?
Is it worth to try the CD version or not?
Luckily both pcs (my and the infected) still have CD drives (inspite of the fact that the infected pc is only 2 years old) _and we found some unused DVDs in the back of our armoire.
So I am able to do the try iwith the CD version n principle. But it will take some time as I didn´t burn CDs since many years.
Both pcs are Windows10. The infected pc was reset to original state after infection. Kapersky rescue found a trojan in the Edge cache of old version. But it is recommend to do several checks with different tools.
And: AVG rescue is still offerd at the AVG website. Even if it is no longer maintained it was still supported recently. Shouldn´t it work on a pc from 2016?
best regards