My computer is currently being kneecapped by AVG, as AVG is currently running using sometimes up to 70% of my CPU, 2000MB of my memory (30% of it), and very high power usage. This happens the second my computer starts up, even if nothing else is running (and AVG isn't doing anything yet either: not scanning for viruses, my VPN is off, etc.). I really like AVG and don't want to move to another Anti Virus, but I'd like to actually be able to use my computer too.
I have tried repairing the installation and reinstalling it. Neither have made any lasting changes (past maybe a few minutes of only using 20% of my CPU as opposed to 60 or 70).
I would like to tell you what version of AVG I have (other than it not being the free trial one), but I am also currently unable to open AVG at all. This is also a frequent problem.