AVG safe price has crashed...google chrome blacked out and not working

Hi Kath,
I understand the inconvenience, let’s try to fix it together.
Please open AVG Internet Security>Menu>Settings>Components>AVG Safe Price> Please Disable it from here and then try removing the AVG Safe Price extension from Google Chrome.
If issue persists, please provide me a screenshot of the error message. Here is a link with the steps to create a screenshot: http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot . You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.


I followed all instructions above and Google Chrome is same as before. 

AVG Safeprice still pops up (just for a few moments, didn't mention that before but has been same all along).  Google Chrome still blacked out from banner down, and doesn't work.  So I can't get rid of AVG Safeprice extension.

'AVG Safeprice Extension' did appear in components window of AVG internet security, but only option given was install.  Which I won't do - because I don't want it!  However, I did think this curious.  If AVG Safeprice Extension is not installed, why do I get message that it's crashing?  I am starting to suspect there's something strange going on here, for example that someone had attached a virus or similar to  AVG Tune Up update - because this problem started immediately after I installed it.

Further advice, please.


There is another thread about this but I couldn't work out how to join it.

I have used AVG security for years and AVG Tune Up since around 2015. I installed latest AVG Tune Up a couple of days ago.  Shortly after I did, when I went into Google Chrome got a little box popping up on lower rhs of screen saying 'AVG Safe Price has crashed' and to click on a 'balloon'.  Clicked, nothing.  Then Google Chrome went black from the under the top banner down and stopped working.  I looked up on this support site and on internet, tried everything - including uninstalled and reinstalled Google Chrome which I was most unhappy about not least because my grandson had saved all his favourite games on it - still not working. Having researched this today, I understand that AVG Safe Price is an extension which has been placed by AVG.  It is impossible to uninstall AVG Safe Price from Google Chrome in its present state because 'more tools' -> 'extensions' doesn't work.  I didn't ask for AVG Safe Price when I ordered any AVG product, it is causing me problems and wasting my time. Tell me how to get rid of AVG Safe Price, please.

Hello Kath,
I appreciate your effort in resolving this issue. In this case, I request you to rename Chrome application (please go to C drive > program files (x86) > Google > Chrome > Application > right click on Chrome and select rename > change it to Chroma) and check if you can open Google Chrome. After that, you can go to chrome://extensions/ , look for AVG safe Price and delete it.
Best regards,

Hi Kath,
I understand the inconvenience, let’s try to fix it together.
Please open AVG Internet Security>Menu>Settings>Components>AVG Safe Price> Please Disable it from here and then try removing the AVG Safe Price extension from Google Chrome.
If issue persists, please provide me a screenshot of the error message. Here is a link with the steps to create a screenshot: http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot . You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.

Thanks for letting me know.


Thanks, it worked! I am now getting intermittent messages about outlook e-mail being out of date (which also don't work as they should) though my outlook e-mail seems to be working OK.  I will try to fix that should it prove necessary. But at least I got rid of AVG Safeprice. Obviously, would have been better if the problem hadn't happened to start with, or taken 3 days and a fair bit of time/messing about to sort out.  All the same, I am grateful to you and your colleagues for the help. 

Thanks again, and all the best.


Thank you for letting us know. We're glad we were able to put you at ease. I am sorry once again for any inconvenience this may have caused. We will take this as your valuable feedback and pass it up to our developers.

If you need anything else, do not hesitate to let us know.

OK Kath, No probs…
AVG Guru