AVG SafePrice - AVG Installer Hacked! Bug!

It's really shame that Avg installs something to my browser even without asking it! It's very untrustworthy. I don't know what else it's doing without asking me on the backside. My browser freezed for minutes, then windows defender started to give warnings that something has shut it down(avg to install it without permissions probably) It's not cool. I don't know this was which avg worker's bright idea but It would loose you more money with customers in the long term. I spent my 20 minutes for this.

Hello Robert,
Thank you for contacting us with your concerns. We regret for any inconvenience caused to you with AVG SafePrice. SafePrice is a browser extension from AVG that allows you to easily compare prices when shopping for products online. SafePrice selects the best prices from a database of trusted e-shops and displays them above your browser so that you don't have to leave your shopping site.
Feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance.

I also do NOT like the fact AVG is pushing this.  I am actually considering not renewing AVG next time because of this.  I DO NOT WANT IT.  As Thomas stated "We use tools like AVG to protect us against this type of attack."  I agree.  The last thing I want from my Security software is for it to start pushing buggy browser Ad-Ons.  I work as a Network Admin and the #1 cause of slow or buggy browsers is stupid browser add-on that they didn't need in the first place.  Stop this practice AVG!

SafePrice is very irritating, and utterly useless.
Whenever I follow the links, the "better price" is either the same price, or a different (inferior) product.
The SafePrice banner takes up valuable space on my already-small laptop screen.
AVG, I KNOW what SafePrice is. What I WANT to know is how to get rid of it! It is not a service, it is an annoyance at best and a computer risk at worst. HOW DO WE UNINSTALL IT??? Or do we have to uninstall AVG and go to another internet security provider?

Alok, I'm using Firefox. How do I remove it from Firefox?

I can hardly believe AVG would "infect" us with this safeprice thing we have not agreed to nor want. I am pretty sure under EU data protection law  that here in the UK we would have to give expressly clear informed prior consent before it were installed.
Anyway (and everyone will laugh at this) I have endured it for about a year (yes a year, life is so busy hour by hour the thought of devoting time to removing it which is never easy has been deferred until this morning.
I think I have managed to remove it from firefox but for that year almost every day of the year I have had to click on disable safeprice for 24 hours. That is a lot of clicking.
Even removing it is hard for people like I am. Eg I do not know what an "add on" really is. I had to do google searches of the terms used for the process of removing it. Once I found the steps it was not too hard although the first instructions I found were out of date so I had to restart. I tried to start with removal in AVG settings but that did not seem to have the right advanced setting so then I moved to removal in firefox.

Anyway perhaps AVG may just want to note that from May 2018 EU data protection law gets even tighter and with 4% of worldwide turnover fines possible so perhaps just give us an informed choice? I would never actively agree to have this installed. I have never to my knowledge used it in the year it has been on there (other than disabling it every 24 hours  - and I did try a few times within the year to remove it but was unable to due to technical incompetence on my part which is probably also the case for a lots of other users - they will not be as technically competent as many people posting on this thread).
Perhaps remove it from the AVG product entirely on the next upgrade or give people a box to click when they install which fully explains what they are accepting.

Have AVG gone totally mad?

To push this s#!+ as it was a fix of a security issue is totaly crazy.
We use tools like AVG to protect us against this type of attack. 

Should I be concerned that AVG just tried to install SafePrice on my Chrome browser?  It's not even listed on the AVG product page nor here https://support.avg.com/search?l=en_US&retUrl=answers&searchText=safeprice&supportType=home
Avast SafePrice is … https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/safeprice?utm_source=chrome-ntp-icon

I can hardly believe AVG would "infect" us with this safeprice thing we have not agreed to nor want. I am pretty sure under EU data protection law  that here in the UK we would have to give expressly clear informed prior consent before it were installed.
Anyway (and everyone will laugh at this) I have endured it for about a year (yes a year, life is so busy hour by hour the thought of devoting time to removing it which is never easy has been deferred until this morning.
I think I have managed to remove it from firefox but for that year almost every day of the year I have had to click on disable safeprice for 24 hours. That is a lot of clicking.
Even removing it is hard for people like I am. Eg I do not know what an "add on" really is. I had to do google searches of the terms used for the process of removing it. Once I found the steps it was not too hard although the first instructions I found were out of date so I had to restart. I tried to start with removal in AVG settings but that did not seem to have the right advanced setting so then I moved to removal in firefox.

Anyway perhaps AVG may just want to note that from May 2018 EU data protection law gets even tighter and with 4% of worldwide turnover fines possible so perhaps just give us an informed choice? I would never actively agree to have this installed. I have never to my knowledge used it in the year it has been on there (other than disabling it every 24 hours  - and I did try a few times within the year to remove it but was unable to due to technical incompetence on my part which is probably also the case for a lots of other users - they will not be as technically competent as many people posting on this thread).
Perhaps remove it from the AVG product entirely on the next upgrade or give people a box to click when they install which fully explains what they are accepting.

I have contacted the support centre but al they can say (after waiting a long time in the chat) is
SafePrice is a browser extension from AVG that allows you to easily compare prices when shopping for products online. SafePrice selects the best prices from a database of trusted e-shops and displays them above your browser so that you don't have to leave your shopping site.

Furthermore it seems it is very hard to respond to this thread....

AVG should stay away from these commercial initiatives and focus on their core business. I'm not paying a safety subscription to get commercial software installed. On the contrary... very poor jugdement on the part of AVG....

Belinda, Yes please follow the instruction (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/disable-or-remove-add-ons) to disable extension/ad ons in Firefox.
Best regards,

SafePrice is very irritating, and utterly useless.
Whenever I follow the links, the "better price" is either the same price, or a different (inferior) product.
The SafePrice banner takes up valuable space on my already-small laptop screen.
AVG, I KNOW what SafePrice is. What I WANT to know is how to get rid of it! It is not a service, it is an annoyance at best and a computer risk at worst. HOW DO WE UNINSTALL IT??? Or do we have to uninstall AVG and go to another internet security provider?

Avinash, What are the URLs to the description/donwload of the SafePrice Chrome Addin?