Avg saying my computer is not protected

Hi again.

I see you deleted my comment. I guess you will delete this one too. There is no point repeating what i said - AVG will shut it down quicker than people are likely to read it. However it does confirm my suspicions abut AVG. afrter all why would you shut comment down unless you don't want others to read it? Despite my grumpy comments I am (was) still using AVG Internet Security and AVG Performance Pro and I've bought AVG products for 7 years. But not only have I got fed up with repeated hustling to buy more product (as I explained in the post you deleted), but I'm sufffering repeatedly from viruses your software won't catch. Now I see you wion't even let me comment on this pooer service, so I think you've made it clear what I need to do. Fortuntely I've got Kaspersky (for free!) to bust these viruses you guys can't catch. So although I've got about 10 months left on my subscription,I've uninstalled my AVG Internet Security. It sounds like throwing good money away I know, but if it's not really protecting my PC. So Im' forced to do it. Enjoy reading this and of course don't let others read my comments - AVG corporate interests come first, eh boys? Best wishes…

i would like to talk to someone by phone please
it keeps saying something is running and says my computer and web are not protected ​ so i can't get updates

Hello Linda.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. While verifying your account you have AVG Internet security and AVG Antivirus as your active subscription. Could you please let us know whether you have received any error message while updating the AVG program and a screenshot of the error message can help us to analyze the issue quickly and assist you better in resolving the issue.
Thank you.

It seams like the last two months are hell with my AVG saying i can't get my updates to work. I have payed good money for going on 5 years . Now i'm getting very upset with AVG. Please fix this or i'm going to find a new virus protection . I have had good luck with AVG but now I just very upset please help me fix this

Hi again.

I see you deleted my comment. I guess you will delete this one too. There is no point repeating what i said - AVG will shut it down quicker than people are likely to read it. However it does confirm my suspicions abut AVG. afrter all why would you shut comment down unless you don't want others to read it? Despite my grumpy comments I am (was) still using AVG Internet Security and AVG Performance Pro and I've bought AVG products for 7 years. But not only have I got fed up with repeated hustling to buy more product (as I explained in the post you deleted), but I'm sufffering repeatedly from viruses your software won't catch. Now I see you wion't even let me comment on this pooer service, so I think you've made it clear what I need to do. Fortuntely I've got Kaspersky (for free!) to bust these viruses you guys can't catch. So although I've got about 10 months left on my subscription,I've uninstalled my AVG Internet Security. It sounds like throwing good money away I know, but if it's not really protecting my PC. So Im' forced to do it. Enjoy reading this and of course don't let others read my comments - AVG corporate interests come first, eh boys? Best wishes…

Linda, I presume that you're not using AVG Internet Security and AVG Antivirus on the same system?. Re 'something is running'.. Have a look @ this recently released AVG article (http://avgclick.me/InstallIsRunning).
AVG Guru

Hello Tim,
We apologize if an AVG product did not meet your expectations. AVG will never delete any comments posted by customers, also we couldn't see any other comments from you.
Our main goal is to keep our customers happy.
AVG carefully monitors the quality of our products and the service we provide, therefore all feedback from our customers is important to us. If you have a specific experience with AVG products that you would like to share with us, we would appreciate hearing about it.
Thanks for your understanding.