AVG scans "Installer" folder on each boot. Can I disable it?

Ilya, In future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!. Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution. Please see your other posting (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000Dc2JAAS).
AVG Guru

I found my PC boots pretty slow, so I used Windows Performance Toolkit to profile it.
What I found is "avgrsa.exe" reads every single file in "Installer" folder.

This folder is used by Windows Installer to store distributions of installed applications (.msp and .msi files). 

I have 2 drives, so I moved Installer folder from small and fast SSD to big and slow HDD since I was pretty sure I will never need to access these files but only to uninstall apps. 

And now each boot avg reads them. It takes ~ 15 seconds, so my PC boots about 20 seconds (versus ~ 5 seconds with out of AVG).

I can move Installer back to SSD, but it takes ~ 15GB. What I am trying to understand:
* What is the reason to read all install files?
* Can I disable it somehow?

Ilya, In future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!. Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution. Please see your other posting (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000Dc2JAAS).
AVG Guru