Hello Kevin,
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. If you are getting our AVG search engine for your browser then you would have installed our AVG Secure Search or AVG Web tuneup for your Firefox browser. So if you do not wish to have our add-ons then please uninstall it by following the instructions mentioned in this link: http://avgread.me/1KLkDpN .
Please feel free to contact us should you need any assistance. Thank you.
I don't understand why my firefox start pages are removed everytime the computer boots (as opposed to starting from sleep).
Specfically, in firefox –> open menu (the three lines) –>options –> General tab –>Home Page box
I have (and want) about 14 pages/tabs that I start firefox with, when the computer reboots all of those URL's are removed and replaced by a single AVG search page/URL. I can't find a reason why this is done or how to stop it.
To be clear, I am not talking about the "default search Engine search function in firefox which can be found at Firefox –> open menu (the three lines) –>options –> search tab –> default search engine box
That's okay, Kevin, please do not apologize for this. I certainly understand your concern. When you install our AVG Secure Search or AVG web Tuneup by default you will have the AVG Search page as your startup page and it will revise your browser settings completely inorder to make you browse faster. Yes, you can manually change your homepage or startup page for your browser and after that you won't have AVG page as your startup page. Please try this and do let us know the status of it.