I did just that. Turned internet connection sharing on and changed network to "private".
It's not working. Avg VPN can't connect. Says "You are offline. Please connect to your internet to use the VPN."
Has anyone found a solution to this problem?
I had AVG remote support service look into this and did nothing more than what i tried myself (uninstall, restart, reinstall, changing location and trying to connect with avg firewall turned off.
Also wondering about the support guy changing/enabling firewall rules (allow ping in, networking, printer sharing, stealth mode etc) without changing them back. are these rules necessary for Secure VPN to work? he run AVGsysinfo but haven't heard from them for a week.
I am having trouble with my AVG Secure VPN for Windows. It can't connect. I have internet connection and can access the internet without the VPN . When i try to turn VPN on I get this message: "You're offline. Please connect to the internet to use your VPN". I tried many times, it doesnt work. I uninstalled, restarted the pc and reinstalled VPN but still doesnt work. I tried changing locations, it doesn't work. I use AVG Internet Security. Any tips or info on how to solve this problem is appreciated.
Hi Daniel,
We will help you in this.
Go to AVG Internet Security >> Menu >> Settings >> Full Protection
Enable the 'Internet Sharing Mode' and also change the network to 'Private'.
Check if you are able to access the internet when the VPN is established.
Has anyone found a solution to this problem?
I had AVG remote support service look into this and did nothing more than what i tried myself (uninstall, restart, reinstall, changing location and trying to connect with avg firewall turned off.
Also wondering about the support guy changing/enabling firewall rules (allow ping in, networking, printer sharing, stealth mode etc) without changing them back. are these rules necessary for Secure VPN to work? he run AVGsysinfo but haven't heard from them for a week.
Hi Daniel,
We will help you in this.
Go to AVG Internet Security >> Menu >> Settings >> Full Protection
Enable the 'Internet Sharing Mode' and also change the network to 'Private'.
Check if you are able to access the internet when the VPN is established.
We are sorry to hear this.
We will help you to resolve the issue.
We have offered our additional support through email. Please check for the email and connect back to us as soon as possible.