I am running AVG Free. The screen shuts down too quickly to see if there is any specific message and upon restart it only shows the Windows Unexpected shutdown screen
I am having the same issue as of JUne 6/20.
It did an upate the othe day and is now randomly shutting down my computer.
Is there a fix for this or I will uninstall.
Hi Jim.
What you are reporting is new and we'll certainly look into this.
Which AVG product is installed on your PC? If it is AVG AntiVirus, make sure there aren't any conflicting antivirus applications installed on your PC.
When the PC shuts down, do you see any error message?
At sometime over the past 8 months my computer began shutting down randomly. I thoroughly cleaned it out several times and checked to heat dissipation material on the processor. I assumed it was a temperature issue. I raised the laptop off the surface and also shutdown any processes that were non-essential. None of this seemed to work. For some reason, I do not remember, I turned off AVG and did nothing else to the other processes. My laptop ran non-stop after that. Any suggestions? I'd like to avoid going to another antivirus.
We will help you in this.
Does PC shuts down when you open the AVG Free?
If this is the case, I request you to uninstall and reinstall to check if the issue persists :
Keep us posted.
I am having the same issue as of June 6/20.
It did an upate the othe day and is now randomly shutting down my computer.
Is there a fix for this or I will uninstall.
Hi Jim.
What you are reporting is new and we'll certainly look into this.
Which AVG product is installed on your PC? If it is AVG AntiVirus, make sure there aren't any conflicting antivirus applications installed on your PC.
When the PC shuts down, do you see any error message?
Thank you for answering, Jim.
Sometimes, unexpected error occurs when a device experience unexpected loss of power or when it is turned off abruptly without following the appropriate shut down sequences, uninstalling Incorrect Driver or Hardware Failure.
Make sure the latest Windows updates are installed and disconnect and reconnect any external devices (keyboard, mouse, printer).