AVG Stealing Money from my PayPal Account

Chris, Please contact Sales Support… Chat with us [AVG] online… Have a look @ this article (http://avgclick.me/AVGsales) [Scroll Down - Chat with us online].
AVG Guru

I have informed AVG that I have no interest in renewing any of my subscriptions as the service they have provided ne has been useless and I am sick of receiving Pop Ups tell me that I MUST renew my subscription or my security will be at risk.

I received these messages when there was ONLY 290 days remaining.

I contacted Tech Support and asked them to stop sending Pop Up messages.

They told me that my system was incorrectly installed and I that I should uninstall ane re-install.

I did as requested any my system became unstable and the Pop Ups continued.

All id initially did was renew my subscription following a link sent by AVG. This then installed ZEN which is a nightmare and Internet Security which was all I wanted in the first place.

It took me days to make it work again.

I told AVG I was fed up had spent about 14 hours fixing the problems follwing their Tech Support advice.

I asked to canel my subsricption and refund the outstanding portion.

As it had been 2 months before I started top receive threatening Pop Ups stating 'if you don't renew NOW your security may be compromised' they refused my Refund request BUT did confirm that they had cancelled the Automatic Renewal.

This morining the stole 2 years further subscriptin form my PayPal account.

I have complained to PayPal, I will complain to OFCOM and on Monday I start proceedings via the Small Claims Court.

In my view AVG are unethical chisellers and from my experience have shown they are not to be trusted.

Chris, Please contact Sales Support… Chat with us [AVG] online… Have a look @ this article (http://avgclick.me/AVGsales) [Scroll Down - Chat with us online].
AVG Guru