AVG Stops WIN XP starting

Thank you for your reply I have returned to the problems and tried both deleting and re-naming the files and in both cases the response I get is "Cannot stat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "file name"   Input/Output Error (5)

All the filesnames appear in red and are call ?avgddisk.sys etc …there are 13 Files all showing zero Byte size and Dated Jan 1 1970 All Files are ?avg******.sys where ****= bdiskx, bidsdriver,bidshv,blogx,bunivx,Hwid,MonFit,Rdr,Rvrt,Snx,SP,StmXP,Vmm.

If these files do not exist" what is it that calls them on boot up. 

the files all "exist" as mnt/sda3>WINDOWS/system32/drivers.

There is a "sda5" but I believe that is the partition for the full  DELL Recovery.

Your futher guidance would be appreciated…please.

Hello Paul,

I regret for the inconvenience caused. Please let me know if you are using Windows XP with Service Pack 3 installed. If so, please remove all the AVG files using the AVG rescue CD and check if that fix the issue. Once you are able to boot into your computer, we can reinstall the latest version of AVG AntiVirus free in your computer.

Thank you for your help/response

The situation is that having got into the screen to select Safe Mode (using F8) the system still stops at a Blue Screen.

It initally loads up a load of "things" the last two being avgbunwx.sys and avgbidshs.sys then the blue screen appears.

The Technical Info given is…

**** STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0xF78A7007, 0xF78B652C, 0xF78B6228

**** avgRvrt.sys - Address F78A7007 base at F78A7000, Date Stamp 56Fa10db

I need to find a way to kill any reference to AVG to get beyond this point or try and rplace the files I mentioned before that appear to have been deleted .

I await you response…Thank you

I have  a blue screen situation on startup and it appears after a failure in AVG not starting the UI. I chose a option presented to me to FIX AVG and since then the Laptop crashes at startup with a blue screen stating that a AVG is causing the problem. I have now created the AVG rescue CD and booted the Laptop following the instructions on the web site using the File Manager to get to the AVG Files in the System32/Drivers to renane all the AVG files to OLD but all the files names start with a "?" and appear Red with zero size byte count, attempting to rename them fails. If my Memory is correct in the days of DOS files with a ? were in fact in a deleted state.
I have not yet attempted to delete these files using the F8 option but would like to know in doing this is this action permitted and I am not going to complete/finally kill the Windows installation I so want to recover. Can somebody please advise me the next best course of action........in anticipation .............Thanks

Hello Paul,

I regret for the inconvenience caused. Please let me know if you are using Windows XP with Service Pack 3 installed. If so, please remove all the AVG files using the AVG rescue CD and check if that fix the issue. Once you are able to boot into your computer, we can reinstall the latest version of AVG AntiVirus free in your computer.

Thank you for your reply I have returned to the problems and tried both deleting and re-naming the files and in both cases the response I get is "Cannot stat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "file name"   Input/Output Error (5)

All the filesnames appear in red and are call ?avgddisk.sys etc …there are 13 Files all showing zero Byte size and Dated Jan 1 1970 All Files are ?avg******.sys where ****= bdiskx, bidsdriver,bidshv,blogx,bunivx,Hwid,MonFit,Rdr,Rvrt,Snx,SP,StmXP,Vmm.

If these files do not exist" what is it that calls them on boot up. 

the files all "exist" as mnt/sda3>WINDOWS/system32/drivers.

There is a "sda5" but I believe that is the partition for the full  DELL Recovery.

Your futher guidance would be appreciated…please.