AVG Tune up activation problem

Hello Frank,

We request you not to share email address on a public post.
We have sent an email instruction on how to activate your tuneup subscription.
If the email is not found in inbox do check in spam and junk folders.
Regarding AVG TAP adapter disabled concern, you should have turned off AVG Secure VPN.
Please check the status of it and turn it on. You will then see AVG TAP adapter has been enabled.
Thank you.

On Easter Sunday I bought a new membership for

AGV Internet Security
during the payment I got the possibility to also add AVG Tune Up at a discounted price, which I did
And I also bought AVG VPN
I had no problem activating everything on the fixed PC from which I purchased everything.

But as I bought licensesd for several machines, I also tried to install everything on my hobby laptop (on which I do not have the mailbox frank.vanderstraetren@telenet.be from which I did the purchase and got all confirmation mails) and it worked for AVG IS and AVG VPN but not however it says that I have a membership for AVG Tune UP, even saying it is installed, I can not get AVG TUne UP active on my laptop. On this laptop I can be reached by frank.astronomie@hotmail.com

Thanks for any help / advise.

All AVG are under the same membership activation code.

During a search I got message that AVG TAP Adapter v3 is disabled.

1° Could this be the cause of my activation problem for AVG Tune Up ?
2° How to activate the AVG TAP Adapter v3

Thanks for your help.

PS :

Hello Frank,

We request you not to share email address on a public post.
We have sent an email instruction on how to activate your tuneup subscription.
If the email is not found in inbox do check in spam and junk folders.
Regarding AVG TAP adapter disabled concern, you should have turned off AVG Secure VPN.
Please check the status of it and turn it on. You will then see AVG TAP adapter has been enabled.
Thank you.