On 2018-1-31 i receive a email that mij contract AVG Tune Up is ending about 30 days. See below my licentienumbers.
Product: AVG PC TuneUp
Status: Actief
Aantal computers: 3
Geldigheidsduur licentie: 24
Licentie vervaldatum: 2019-11-08
Product: AVG Internet Security
Status: Actief
Aantal computers: 3
Geldigheidsduur licentie: 24
Licentie vervaldatum: 2019-11-08
You can see that my contracts: AVG PC Tune Up and AVG Internet Security are ending on 2019-11-8.
Can you confirm this to me.
Rob Peper
Hello Rob,
I have checked your account and you have active subscriptions of AVG Internet Security (3 computers) license valid until 2019.11.8, AVG TuneUp - Unlimited till 2018.3.2 and AVG PC TuneUp (3 computers) license till 2019.11.8.
You have received the email notification because AVG TuneUp Unlimited is going to expire on next month. I would suggest you ignore that email since you have AVG PC TuneUp license valid until next year.