AVG TuneUp Deleting Files

Hi, Eddie

We apologize for the inconvenience caused. 
Please be infomed that AVG TuneUp completes a scan, after that you can review and manage any found issues before anything is cleaned.

Where as Automatic Maintenance runs silently in the background with no actions required from you and frees up space on your PC by removing dispensable items, such as broken shortcuts and registry items.

Kindly check if this option is enabled or not :  Menu ▸ Settings ▸ Automatic Maintenance and check >> red (OFF) slider and green (ON).

The Rescue Center allows you to undo certain changes made by AVG TuneUp. To access the Rescue Center, click the undo icon on the right side of the AVG TuneUp dashboard. You can view a list of actions and click Undo next to any actions you want to reverse.

If that doesn't help, you can try System Restore to get back all your files.

The same thing happened to me, All my files in the folder called "TEMP" were deleted.
PLease,  help rescue center did not bring them back.

on the 25th AVG Tune Up automatically deleted all valid files that I was storing on C:\Temp. I have and this drive for years as a standard and had AVG Tune Up for sometime now. It deleted 153GB of important data that couldn't be retrieved. All my photos for the last 5 years.
Checked my wife's PC and it did the same thing only she lost 5GB of work.
Spent hours Thursday night with AVG support with no help. Had to purchase RECOVERIT but only got back roughly 80%.
I have tried to find someone to contact to complain to but aside from tech support cannot find any contact number to call anyone in charge. Can anyone help as I am devastated and can assume there was some automated update to the somewhere that caused this glitch.
Has anyone experienced this?

Hi Rakshith, you know that System Restor only restores applications files etc and not date. AVG TuneUp deleted everything under c:\Temp which is not the Windows Temp Directory and it is an application issue from AVG. Rescue Centre from AVG had no restor options for 153GB and I have lost a lot of precious memories which all my pics gone.
I have tried to find someone at AVG to take my issue seriosuly but it seems like I cannot get out of this loop of no accounbtabulity taken by AVG.
All I can do is post and tell all who want to listen about this.
The same thing happened to me, All my files in the folder called "TEMP" were deleted.
PLease,  help rescue center did not bring them back.

We are sorry to hear this.

This isn't the experience we would like you to have. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Unfortunately, we cant retrieve the files which was lost. Rescue center can undo the changes made by the TuneUp however the files cant be restored.

Yes, you may not get all the data using the System restore option but have you tried restoring it?

Keep us posted.

Hi, Jon

As mention in the previous post, you can only undo certain changes made by AVG TuneUp from the Rescue Center. 

In this case, I request you to roll back to the previous date System Restore point.

Hi, Eddie

We apologize for the inconvenience caused. 
Please be infomed that AVG TuneUp completes a scan, after that you can review and manage any found issues before anything is cleaned.

Where as Automatic Maintenance runs silently in the background with no actions required from you and frees up space on your PC by removing dispensable items, such as broken shortcuts and registry items.

Kindly check if this option is enabled or not :  Menu ▸ Settings ▸ Automatic Maintenance and check >> red (OFF) slider and green (ON).

The Rescue Center allows you to undo certain changes made by AVG TuneUp. To access the Rescue Center, click the undo icon on the right side of the AVG TuneUp dashboard. You can view a list of actions and click Undo next to any actions you want to reverse.

If that doesn't help, you can try System Restore to get back all your files.