If you complete all the suggestions and functions involved in PC TuneUp, you will be able to achieve 100%.
If not, you can just ignore the suggestions to free up the space.
Thank you.
Thank you for your kind post.
We appreciate your time and co-operation.
Hello Larry,
If you complete all the suggestions and functions involved in PC TuneUp, you will be able to achieve 100%.
If not, you can just ignore the suggestions to free up the space.
Thank you.
Larry, it is not recommended to optimize your PC to 100% since it could lead to some PC issues.
That is the reason why the cleanup process has left some windows operating system files without removing it.
Bala, sounds rational. I guess I'm a 75 yr old kid who wants to see the presents under the tree. But I'll take your advice, although it tells me it cleaned 1.7G but 2.4 left to go. Doesn't tell me where it is. Disappointed. Thanks anyway, Bala
Ah! Vishnu, you were very kind to respond, and I understand completely. Thank you. I am even more impressed with what I didn't realize, and how the software protects the computer from guys like me.