Hi Gustav,
This isn't the experience we want you to have. Let us help you with the installation process.
Before proceeding with it, would you be so kind to share us the screenshot of the error message?
Also, let us know from where you've downloaded TuneUp & tried installing (weblink if possible).
Englis Translating with QTranslate:
I already had several purchased AVG TuneUp versions installed, but had to wg. various problems, very annoyed, uninstall (I use TuneUp since 1999!).
After the new installation (purchased AVG TuneUp 2019 1PC for 2 century), the following error message appears: "Installation Failed, Sorry … CLOSE".
I could send you the image and a 'logfile.cab'.
Original in German:
Ich hatte bereits mehrere gekaufte AVG TuneUp Versionen installiert, musste diese aber wg. diverser Probleme, sehr VERÄRGERT, deinstallieren (Ich verwende TuneUp seit 1999!).
Nach der heutigen neuen Installation (gekauftes AVG TuneUp 2019 1PC für 2 Jh.) erscheint die Fehlermeldung: "Installation Fehlgeschlagen. Entschuldigung…SCHLIESSEN".
Ich könnte ihnen das Abbild und eine 'Logdatei.cab' senden.
Rozumím výborně Česky
Hi Gustav,
This isn't the experience we want you to have. Let us help you with the installation process.
Before proceeding with it, would you be so kind to share us the screenshot of the error message?
Also, let us know from where you've downloaded TuneUp & tried installing (weblink if possible).