I completely disagree what you said.
I clicked the restart mark which Tuneup sent to me. I never request "RESTART" prematurely.
Have you had similar complains from cutomers?
Fact is: AVG TUNEUP killed my computer and I have not found a recovert disk yet.
I am ungly and unhappy…
We're sorry to know that, Shoji.
Would you be so kind to check if you receive any option to cancel the scan?
If not, please tap spacebar to try byepassing the scan & let us know if it helps.
Hello Shoji,
We will work together to sort this issue.
Follow the steps from this link http://avgclick.me/rebootintosafemode and check if you are able to boot your computer in safe mode with networking.
If you face any difficulties, please press and hold the power button on your computer for 10 - 15 seconds and check if you are able to boot into windows.
Feel free to contact us for further queries regarding this issue.
I have been using AVG TuneUp for several months and it is OK.
A few days ago,
It said " 2 disks have never scanned for errors…"
So I SCANNED and it found errors and corrected them.
It asked to restart and I did it.
It hanged in the middle of startup.
My Windows 7 dead forever.
How to fix it? My repair disk is too old to use.
But I have no success.
It goes to ask a boot disk.
As I told you my repair disk is too old.
I don't know what AVG did for me.
Any help?
We will order HP the repair disk for this computer…
I am very unhappy about this issue and am start talking about this issue in my computer groups.
I can relate how inconvenience this could be.
As the computer isn't booting, we cannot take remote access or provide any other solution.
We request you to contact a local technician and fix this issue.
Once this is done, you can contact us back and we will check this for you.
I completely disagree what you said.
I clicked the restart mark which Tuneup sent to me. I never request "RESTART" prematurely.
Have you had similar complains from cutomers?
Fact is: AVG TUNEUP killed my computer and I have not found a recovert disk yet.
I am ungly and unhappy…
Shoji, it seems that your boot disk has been corrupted.
We request you to restart your computer thrice and try to repair/recover the disk.
Let us know, the status of the issue.
I understand how difficult this is for you.
This might have caused due to an incomplete optimization or a disk scan from AVG TuneUp, the computer might have got restarted before performing its task and that might have corrupted the drive.
Using a recovery disk should fix this issue.