AVG TuneUp versie 20.1.1906.150

Hi Roger,

AVG Support via community forum is available only in English. For a translation, you can use https://translate.google.com

I see that you to have reached our AVG live chat support and they have sent email to reinstall the program and monitor the status.

Also, we do not have the option to roll back to previous version 19.1.

Please write back in this post if you're experiencing the same after installing AVG TuneUp.
mijn pc SSD + 16GB RAM met Windows 10 versie 2004 en PC Tuneup versie 20.1.1906.150 - probleem: pc start langzaam - is duidelijk te wijten aan programma V 20.1 - ben naar voorgaande versie19.1 teruggegaan - met 19.1 start PC normaal opnieuw op -
mijn vraag: waar kan ik de oude versie 19.1 downloaden en hoe kan ik de oude versie 19.1
permanent installeren, d.w.z. hoe kan ik de update naar 20.1 negeren?
CONCLUSIE: met 19.1 start de pc snel met 20.1 veel langzamer.
hartelijk dank
​​​​​​​Met vriendelijke groeten Roger Hemelsoet
I uninstalled and reinstalled the program according to the instructions. Found that the PC is still starting slowly (no improvement). I checked the version and found that the version has not changed i.e. the same version was installed as before.
Hi Roger,

AVG Support via community forum is available only in English. For a translation, you can use https://translate.google.com

I see that you to have reached our AVG live chat support and they have sent email to reinstall the program and monitor the status.

Also, we do not have the option to roll back to previous version 19.1.

Please write back in this post if you're experiencing the same after installing AVG TuneUp.