AVG Ultimate 10 Devices 2 Years with VPN

I recently purchased AVG ULTIMATE 2020 10 Multi-Devices 2 Years with VPN. Tried to activate the code on www.avg.com/code. Then followed the Installation Guide on AVG website, downloaded and installed BUT unable to ACTIVATE my subscription with the code. It gives the Message "Activate the code by visiting www.avg.com/code". Tried to UN-INSTALL & RE-INSTALL but does NOT work at all. Going back to the same position and this continues in the loop. It seems either something is wrong with the AVG server or the activation code. Can you please reply as soon as possible?


I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
I have forwarded the case to our higher level to add the code to your account and they will get back to you shortly.
Keep checking your email to know about the status.