AVG Ultimate 2015 - how to install product key/code purchased

Hello Andi. Have you registered your license number on the AVG Website? if not please click on the link https://app.avg.com/us-en/retail to register your AVG Ultimate program. Please feel free to contact us back for any further assistance.

I purchased AVG Ultimate 2015 1 year license from Newegg. I downloaded and installed the AVG Ultimate from AVG web site. Everything is installed fine, including the AVG Zen and it connects to my account. But I have no way of entering the product key that I received from newegg. The AVG is now in trial mode for 30 days. I searched through the AVG support site but found no answer.
Your help is highly appreciated.

Hello Andi. Have you registered your license number on the AVG Website? if not please click on the link https://app.avg.com/us-en/retail to register your AVG Ultimate program. Please feel free to contact us back for any further assistance.