AVG Ultimate 2015 Not responding when opening the app

Hi Bobby,
Please try reinstall it using installer from our pages.

When I open AVG, nothing happens and it stays on a blank screen. I can't repair it in the control file-programs- And trying to uninstall it, it does the same thing. Please help!

 This image is not available because: You don’t have the privileges to see it, or it has been removed from the system

Hi Bobby,
Please try reinstall it using installer from our pages.

Bobby, AVG Ultimate 2015 support.. When available, A member of the official AVG Community Support in Brno (http://forums.avg.com/ww-en/avg-forums?sec=thread&act=show&id=190509) will see your topic & respond.
AVG Guru
Bobby, Link corrected (http://www.avg.com/download).
AVG Guru

Bobby, See (http://www.avg.com/ww-en/download) [Scroll Down].
AVG Guru