AVG_Ultimate_761 hangs on Downloading installation components

Hello Kerry,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Do you get any error while installing the AVG Ultimate?
Do you have sufficient 1 GB of space on your drive that you have chosen AVG Ultimate to get installed?

Time left: 2 sec.  I suspecting there are some temp files blocking the download. I've tried full install, redownloaded the AVG_Ultimate_761.exe, clean the temp files, reboot, and i'm on the 3rd or 4th time today with this failure.

This is NOT resolved, but i got a little futher so I'm making a new post with current details.

Hello Kerry,
We suggest not to send multiple post for the same issue. In future please refrain from carrying out multiple postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!.
Please click on this link for the answer for your previous post https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b000000057Jf
Thank you.

Hello Kerry,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Do you get any error while installing the AVG Ultimate?
Do you have sufficient 1 GB of space on your drive that you have chosen AVG Ultimate to get installed?

This is NOT resolved, but i got a little futher so I'm making a new post with current details.